-Project: Wish Upon A Star.org
-PR Manager/Consultant
-(661) 817-9884
Tim Munsey has been a hobby woodworker for over 14 years. For most of those years he has focused on using a scroll saw. He decided to start sharing his love of what he was doing through various social platforms. Starting with YouTube and then moving to live streaming on Twitch.
During this period Tim found a way to combine his love of woodworking and his inner geekiness. He now focuses on making pieces related to pop culture (comics, movies, anime, games, etc.). He also invented the Comic Book Pop-Out that you may have seen at various conventions throughout California.
In his secret identity Tim works in a technical support position.
At a past event Tim met a patient and their family. After spending time hearing the story of the child and their family Tim knew he had to be part of our organization.
In his time with PWUAS Tim works to meet people and making introductions that can help in fulfilling the vision and mission of our organization. At events you can also find him introducing people to PWUAS, what we do and what we can accomplish. You might also find Tim acting as Star the Cow’s handler.
Tim has been known to use his woodworking skills to make one of a kind pieces for our sponsors, artists and others who support us.
One of Tim’s newest hobbies is to see how much he can find for Darren (our founder) to do 🙂