– Creator of many Marvel Comics’ characters
Stan was a huge part of PWUAS.org and the success of "Project:SUPERHERO!", our annual campaign we created and he largely made that dream 'happen' for our sponsored child patients. A true HERO we miss daily & STAR's best friend-
She peaked her head in where Stan was and he despite his bout of pneumonia, smiled to see her. This was to be the last time Stan & STAR would be together as it was his final public appearance and we felt he should not have been there at all. Stan and Woz are great friends and it was ultimately Stan's decision to be there as he always was for Woz at SVCC, however he also had a misguiding management team at this time-
Our hearts, thoughts and prayers were truly with him during this difficult time-
Stan’s signature is on the cow’s right forehead next to his daughter JC’s signature. He signed on April 7th, 2018 & his daughter signed on April 8th, as her signature is not shown as of yet-

STAR & Stan Lee… 2018


STAN and his Atari 2600 (circa 1979)