Calling all "Heroes".........
So, around 2015, we came up with the idea of turning a patient into a SUPERHERO! and then taking the patient to LA Comic-Con to meet celebrities, other Superheroes, even Stan Lee himself!
Then it was hmmmm, "how do we fund it?" So, we designed POS (Point Of Sale) banks that resembled Superheroes, comic characters and Star Wars Droids to grab attention. We placed them all over in book stores, comic shops and retailers from the Central Valley to Southern Los Angeles areas-
Then, we came up with a idea only ZEUS could have: A RETAILER INCENTIVE! *Patron/Retailer with the highest amount collected would then be awarded our first Annual Retailer Award. *Plus, POW! .......we will have Stan Lee sign it making it truly a "one of a kind" incentive, showing their customers what they and their patrons achieved! Our first venue was Stan Lee's Los Angeles Comic-Con where we had our 2016 and 2017 SUPERHEROES! In 2018, Silicon Valley Comic-Con requested our presence, and we are pleased to announce that starting in 2019, SILICON VALLEY COMIC CON will be our second venue! This will mix our vision of bringing STEM/Art/Technology into our Project: SUPERHERO! campaigns giving it more of a science feel along with the infamous "Superhero" feel. Our campaigns have brought many memories to patients & families and we will strive to continue our efforts making them bigger & better each year- *See you on the Purple Carpet!
PWUAS.org & Project:SUPERHERO! The rest is history......
2017 Project: Superhero! - Annie Blake
The 2017 Banks are in stores now!
2016 Project: Superhero! - Lucas Tate 2016 Retail Award Recipient - Dave Allread
Project: SUPERHERO! will continue to be unique. We thank HOT TOPIC, Stan Lee, Sheraton Grand Los Angeles and everyone who help us bring this to life!