Our Stars

Our Stars

Nick Kontaratos
Our Visionary, Dear Friend & Supporter

Chuck Wendig
NY Times Best Selling Author

Margaret Kerry
The Real Tinkerbell

Chris Marrinan

DC/Marvel Cover Artist

Kevin Eastman
 TMNT Creator

Michael Cho

Canadian Pop Artist

Sergio Aragones'
Mad Magazine Co Creator/Contributor 

Margo Apostolos, Actress, Lucas Tate,
Debbie Lee Carrington, Actress

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© 2019 Project Wish Upon A Star, All Rights Reserved

*Project: Wish Upon A Star is a Non-Profit, 501(c)(3) Children’s cancer charity.
We are not affiliated nor sponsored by Lucasfilm, DC, Disney or any of their affiliates such as Marvel/Marvel Entertainment.
Stan Lee and Comikaze Entertainment have generously supported our vision to reach out to children through their
pop culture events but are not sponsors, members or financial aspects of our “Projects” we create to help patients.